Dr.Vitthal Shrirang Madane
National President- Human Rights Justice Federation
Human Rights Justice Federation is a non-profit voluntary organisation working in the cause of suppressed people. It works without any discrimination of caste, religion, creed and gender. It is an association of all such bodies and people who are working towards solving different problems.
Human Rights Justice Federation aims at bringing the whole community of social workers under one umbrella for the betterment and upliftment of entire mankind.
The Vision:
The Vision of Human Rights Justice Federation is the formation of fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence.
This society will allow peaceful existence of all types of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged, widow and down trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion. This society in its majority will be constituted by the followers of human rights and human rights activists consequently reducing the pool of wrongdoers. A vision of a society of human rights followers.
Mission of Human Rights Justice Federation
· To organise, promote, undertake all programmes for the formation of fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence
- To organise, promote, undertake, sponsor, carry out all programmes for the benefit of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged, widow and down trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion.